Be Kind

Monday, August 14, 2017

I, like everyone else in Utah, have been bewildered and fixated on the Paul Swenson case. Every day, I've been waking up checking the news, checking social media to see if he had been found, hopefully alive. Every day I've been praying for him and his family. Every day, I also read on social media terrible things being said about Paul, his family, and his wife.

If you've followed the case, you would know that his body was found this past Sunday. It's heartbreaking. I did not know Paul, I do not know his wife or his family. As I checked social media and saw the hurtful, mean things being said about him and his wife and intimate details about their relationship, it broke my heart.

Hanz and Franz

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

This past March, I finally had my dream of perfect eyebrows come to life. I imagine that pride, joy, and immense love I felt upon seeing their greatness is comparable to giving birth. 

Wash Yourself

Friday, August 4, 2017

Almost 3 years ago I was blessed with finding the brand CRUDE Personal Care. At the time of discovery, I had terrible rosacea on my cheeks, insanely dry skin, and zero self confidence. I refused to leave my house without makeup on. I even refused to let my family see me bare faced. CRUDE's products healed my skin, naturally and without harsh chemicals. CRUDE's products also gave me my confidence back. My skin has never looked better.

Through my YouTube video and an application process last year, I was selected to be a Brand Ambassador for them. The day I got the e-mail was like Christmas for me. I had never been more excited! 

San Francisco

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

This summer my sister had the opportunity to move with her family to San Francisco. Since I had never been, I decided to fork up the cash and take a little summer vacation there. It was a welcome break from the scorching  100+  summer heat Utah has been experiencing. The hottest it got the entire time I was there was maybe 80 f. It was lovely. 

I had been dreaming about going to San Francisco for so many years so I was insanely giddy the entire 2 hour flight out there. I was also giddy because the only seat on the entire flight that was empty was the seat next to mine. Hallelujah for a little bit of extra leg room! I was also giddy because the most gorgeous human being was sitting next to me. I'm pretty sure he was interested in the men though. It was PRIDE weekend in SF after-all. Nonetheless, he was nice to look at throughout the flight. 

To be 100% honest, I didn't love San Francisco. I was there for almost 1 week and I think if I could do it again, I'd go for only a couple of days. I keep having a re-occuring nightmare though where I move to San Francisco so I might end up there one day. I did however love how diverse the architecture was. All of the buildings were stunning and all so unique. I wanted to take pictures of everything! I also loved that the parks had fences around them with only one entrance in and out. I think every park needs that. 

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