Hanz and Franz

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

This past March, I finally had my dream of perfect eyebrows come to life. I imagine that pride, joy, and immense love I felt upon seeing their greatness is comparable to giving birth. 

Before getting my eyebrows Microbladed, I did ALL of the research. I'm a researcher in all areas of my life except for school projects. There is no chance in hell I'm doing something without researching everything about it first. Just try to be spontaneous with me, I'll probably stop breathing from my anxiety.

I originally had an appointment with a girl that I had religiously stalked on Instagram. And I felt good about it. Then suddenly, she started posting pictures of UNEVEN eyebrows. Girlfriend has a problem making the eyebrows match. It wasn't just one girl's brows she messed up, it was multiple. So I cancelled. BTW. She is STILL making girls eyebrows look bad and letting them walk in to the world looking like a fool so PLEASE whatever you do, If you're In Utah DO NOT LET HER TOUCH YOUR BROWS! (I'm not going to publicly embarrass her more so if you want to know exactly who it is, please DM me ASAP!) She's also TEACHING girls how to microblade now which scares me even more.

After my panic attacks thinking about this girl ruining peoples lives. I reached out to my friends begging them to help me find someone better. A lot of them were actually taking a microblade course and needed models so I literally begged, and tried to bribe them to let me be their model. Of course, my friends are amazing and my girl, Jacquelene came to the freaking rescue!  She HOOKED ME UP with the greatest brows of life.You guys, not all super heroes wear capes.

Due to my obsession with my brows, I asked her a crap ton of questions, made her change a couple of things here and there, and made sure that everything was exactly how I wanted. She's incredible at what she does and wants you to love your brows so she makes sure that you are 100% on everything before she starts, throughout the process and also before you leave. I love her. I basically owe her my life. I highly recommend her 10,000%. Please go to her. She's in American Fork, Utah. Beautified Permanent Cosmetics is her salon name. GO TO HER.

Now for the experience. I was scared shitless to get my eyebrows microbladed. Literally, I had the nervous shits for DAYS. 
Thankfully, Jacquelene is the literal nicest human ever so it made me calm down a bit. But then she began, and I thought I was going to pass out.

Jacquelene starts your brows by "pre-cutting" them. Yes, it's just as painful as you can imagine. Probably even more so. It's blades slicing the delicate skin of your eyebrows so you can imagine how painful that would be. I actually held my breath when she did each eye brow. Then, she applied the numbing cream which stung, obviously- you just put it in to open wounds. We let that sit and then it was time to begin.

I'm someone with a very low pain tolerance as is so I think that made the procedure that much worse for me.  The front of my eyebrows didn't get too numb but numb enough that it wasn't as painful as the pre-cutting. The tails of my brows though got fully numb so I hardly felt anything  THANK THE LORD! All in all, it hurt. But it was tolerable.

Right Eyebrow, Formerly known as Hanz.

Left Eyebrow, Formerly known as Franz.

The healing process wasn't terrible. I couldn't get them wet for 3 days. Then I applied grape seed oil on to them for about a week. They scabbed a bit but nothing too nasty. My eyebrows just felt like they were really sunburnt.  They also itched like a mother f. You aren't supposed to scratch them because it will make the pigment come off but you best believe that when iI used the q-tip to apply the grape seed oil, I rubbed them so good to help relieve the itch. This picture is them 1 week after the procedure. You can see they still have a bit red of in them. That faded after my skin healed.

About 4 weeks after you get your eyebrows microbladed, you go in for a touch up. This is due to your body pushing some of the initial pigment out. So the touch up fills in those gaps. My friend, Amy Jo warned me that the touch up was like the wrath of hell happening on your face so I was SCARED. Real scared. Que the nervous shits all over again.

Even though Amy Jo had warned me about how bad the touch up was, I honestly thought she was just being dramatic. Sorry Amy Jo, I love you so much. But holy hell, SHE WAS RIGHT. The touch up was done the same way as the initial appointment- pre-cut, numb, go. Except this time, I didn't get numb AT ALL. My body was not having it. So basically the entire appointment just felt like the pre-cut. I was in so much pain that my body started shaking and I was sweating like I was a whore in church. It was absolutely terrible. 
Poor Jacquelene felt so bad. She kept applying numbing cream to try to help but my body just refused to accept it. Freaking body! It was terrible. I felt like I was a prisoner being tortured.
It has been almost 4 months since I had the touch up and let me tell you, It was worth it. I'm so happy and pleased that I look like I'm ready  upon waking up. I brush through my brows, apply a colored brow gel (only because my hairs are lighter than the microblade.), and BAM! On my way. It's the best thing in the world. I no longer spend forever getting ready. I feel confident ALL of the time. Well, mostly. Except those bad skin days, you feel me? And my brows make me look like I have my shit together when I really don't.
Overall, I feel like my brows are my children. You go through intense pain to get them here, but then all you can do is love them once they have arrived. Welcome to the world Deborah and Harry Connick, Sr. I'll let you figure out which one is which.

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